Becoming the Master of My Web Site
I run a very small consultancy specializing in helping organizations make money from their information technology expenditures.
My web site - - has been primarily brochure ware, which I use to introduce my company and my services to prospective clients. Because of an excellent design and implementation – by Konlon & Associates ( – it has served this purpose quite well.
I now want to do more with it. I want to use it to store and distribute white papers that are too long for this blog, and to keep my clients and colleagues up to date on what I am doing. I cannot justify having a permanent web designer on my staff and I cannot keep the site up to date using a contractor because turnaround time for modifications is just too long.
So, can I maintain and update it myself? Up to now I have not been able to do it. The good news noted above – it really is a cool site – is accompanied by bad news: it is coded in native html and I am not an html programmer. I found this out after a week of fruitless experiments which the site barely survived.
During this trauma, I kept asking myself why no one had built a simple converter that would accept an MSWord document (my preferred word processor) and turn it into an html page. It seemed to me that if would be a fairly easy task for a competent programmer, but as a colleague of mine observed long ago, everything is easy until you actually have to do it. Luckily for me, I ran into Marcus Ketel of WeseditorPlus ( at a meeting of the Illinois Technology Association. He told me about WebeditorPlus. I tried it and it works. It has an interface that looks very much like MSWord, and the web pages look just fine.
A passing irony: In a prior post to this blog, I argued that Software as a Service is not ready for prime time. WebeditorPlus has proven me wrong.